Monthly Archives: March 2019
Posted: March 01, 2019
Children love being given presents and there are plenty of opportunities to do so – birthday, Children's Day, visit of relatives, Christmas... Yet, we often have a problem when we want to buy something for a child that surely has a room full of toys. Below, you will find 5 proven ideas for a gift, perfect both for boys and for girls.
Posted: March 01, 2019
Every mum-to-be thinks what her baby will really need during its first months. It is worth to plan your shopping list ahead in order not to buy things that will later turn out to be unnecessary. What accessories you really need to organize your baby's room?
Posted: March 01, 2019Baby Shower is an event for a future mum organized by her relatives and friends. It is – literally – about "showering" the pregnant woman with presents. What you should keep in mind when organizing such an event and what gifts should you choose?Read more
Posted: March 01, 2019Soft and warm cover will ensure a sound sleep for your baby. What to choose for your baby not to get too cold or to warm? There are several options – we can choose a blanket, a duvet or a sleeping bag. Here is our advice what to have in mind when choosing.Read more
Posted: March 01, 2019
Choosing the right blanket for the baby is not as easy as it may seem. Apart from aesthetics, you need to pay attention, among others, to the material and size. What else is important? Below you will find some useful tips for choosing the perfect blanket.
Posted: March 01, 2019
Parents often worry that their children’s rooms are messy. Toys are scattered all around the room and the child is not willing to tidy it up. So, what to do to teach your child cleanliness? Colourful baskets, laughter and learning through playing will come to the rescue.
Posted: March 01, 2019
A child’s room should be cozy and colourful as a fairy-tale. Walls play an important role in arranging the place for it not to look boring or dull. Colourful garlands, pom-poms or decorative shelves – there are many interesting ideas you can use to decorate the walls in your child’s room.